History Website
Welcome the New York Rotary History
Website. This website has a lot of historic information about the legendary Rotary Club of New York, which also happens to be my Rotary Club.
You can
read about present and future events at Rotary Club of New York on
the Internet at
Matts Ingemanson
Rotary's Global History Fellowship
Expanding our
Rotary Experience
to the Internet!
Rotary's Global History Fellowship
Matts Ingemanson
speaks about
Paul Harris' Exciting Youth
(click here
for more information)
Info about the
Paul Harris speech
at the Rotary Club of New York
Rotary Club of New York
Bulletin Library 2001-2004
(click here)
Newsletter Library 2002-2004
(click here)
Paul Harris Fellows
There were 59 new Paul
Harris Fellowships awarded this year.
Click here to see the list.
Service Division
Meeting Announcements
Reports from previous meetings
(click here)
Fellow Rotarians, We Greet You!
to the Rotary Club of New York, the
“Host Club of America”. Please enjoy
the site and be sure to write or call us if you have any questions,
requests, or would like to attend one of our luncheons. When you visit us,
we will sing our legendary welcome song
Fellow Rotarians, We
Greet You. Be sure to check the listing of the upcoming events from
the menu on top.
The Holy See in
His Excellency
Observer of the Holy See to the United Nations
Speech at the
International Service Division June 16, 2003
Click here to read the speech
New York Rotary Foundation
presented a $100,000 check
to NYU on Feb
10, 2004
President Greg
Lynch (left) Foundation Chairman Mort Eydenberg (middle) and Dr.
Bonvino from NYU (right)
Mort Eydenberg,
Chairman of the New York Rotary Foundation, representing all of
us from the Rotary Club of New York, presented a check in the
amount of $100,000 to Dr. Bonvino, Senior Vice President of New
York University Downtown Hospital. The check was in honor of the
work done by the hospital during the 9/11 World Trade Center
tragedy. Dr. Bonvino spoke with deep gratitude and commitment to
the hospital’s mission of always being available for unseen
emergencies. The check, from our 9/11 Disaster Fund, will be
used to enlarge the hospital’s emergency response areas.
New York Rotary Foundation
presented one more $100,000 check
to NYU on June 8, 2004
President Greg
Lynch (left) Foundation Trustee and District 7230 Governor
Nominee Helen Reisler (right) and Dr.
Bonvino from NYU (middle).
Former New York Rotary President,
New York Rotary Foundation Trustee and present District Governor
Nominee, Helen Reisler, presented a second check of $100,000 to
the New York University Downtown Hospital for its tremendous
effort, dedication and assistance to the victims the 9/11
tragedy in downtown, Manhattan. This money was previously raised
and put aside by the Rotary Club of New York as part of the 9/11
Disaster Relief Fund. Dr. Bonvino of the NYU Downtown Hospital
accepted the check on behalf of the hospital, thanked the club
for their generous donation and briefly stated that it will be
used to purchase a new ambulance for the hospital. The New York
Rotary Trustees were recognized by President Greg Lynch and all
present for their role in making the fund very successful.
Louis J. Freeh
Former Director - FBI
TV Channels ABC 7 and WB 11 as well
as Radio Station WNYC were present when Former FBI Director
Louis J. Freed spoke at the Rotary Club of New York on December
16th, 2003
Christmas Party for
under-privileged children
On December 17th, New York Rotarians teamed
up with Santa and Fraternite Notre Dame to give a Christmas party for under
privileged children in Harlem with many Christmas presents.
The First Rotary Lapel Pin
The first lapel pin in Rotary history was designed at the Rotary Club of New York in 1909. It was the forerunner to the Rotary lapel pin that is worn today. You can see here how the Rotary lapel pin later evolved to its present design.
You can read more about the first Rotary Lapel Pin on our
History Page.
Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden &
RI President Jonathan Majiyagbe
New York Rotarian Matts Ingemanson (middle) met with Her Royal Highness Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden and Rotary International President Jonathan Majiyagbe in Stockholm on August 13, 2003. Matts took the opportunity to invite the Crown Princess to come to our legendary Rotary Club on our Sweden Day.
New York Rotarians were
very active in the
Rotary District 7230
Group Study Exchange
(click here)
It was exciting when
New York State Attorney General
Eliot Spitzer
spoke at our club on Feb 4th, 2003
President 2002-2003 Silvio Amori and Attorney General Spitzer
Click here for more pictures of Eliot Spitzer's visit
(including 15 photos)
Police Recognition Day
March 4, 2003
5 foot 1.5 inches Police Officer
Judith Hernandez
alone carried 6 foot Police Officer
up two floors to safety!
Click here for more pictures of Police Day
(including 19 photos)
RI Past President Frank Devlyn at New York Rotary on Nov. 12th, 2002
Click here for pictures of Frank's visit
The Rotary Club of New York receives a grant of $150,000!
On May 29th, 2003, the Board of Directors of the Rotary District 7230 NYC/WTC Disaster Relief Fund approved a grant to the Rotary Club of New York for the September 11, 2001 Children's Fund in the amount of $150,000.
Click here to read the letter of approval (Acrobat PDF file)
Click here for a list of all approved grants from the
NYC/WTC Disaster Relief Fund
We donated $100,000
to Polio Plus
The New York Rotary Foundation has set an example of leadership and generosity!
Jack Blane from the International Polio Eradication Fundraising Committee of Rotary International, District Governor Bob Benson and Two Times Past District Governor Chuck Katze visited our club when the New York Rotary Foundation donated $100,000 to Polio Plus on April 29th, 2003. On the picture from left to right are President Silvio Amori, Two Times PDG Chuck Katze, Jack Blane from RI, Trustees Barbara Burns, Bernard Wytko and Richard Sainburg, Foundation Chairman Morton Eydenberg, DG Bob Benson and Trustee Sylvan Barnet.
Foundation Chairman Morton Eydenberg together with District Governor Bob Benson and Two Times Past District Governor Chuck Katze.
From left Jack Blane, Glenn Estess and Matts Ingemanson
One week later at Rotary International's Headquarters, in Evanston, IL, Jack Blane and
New York Rotarian Matts Ingemanson met with Glenn Estess, who will be Rotary International's President 2004-2005. Glen was impressed with the $100,000 donation to Polio Plus by the New York Rotary Foundation of the Rotary Club of New York, which is approximately $500 per member. RI President Elect Glenn said that the Rotary Club of New York with its Foundation has set an example of leadership and generosity that he hoped others would follow.
"I was expecting to go and be part of a photo op where I would receive a large cardboard replica of the check," says Jack Blane. "What I didn't expect was to come away with a real check for the total amount.
"The trustees of the New York Rotary foundation feel very keenly about supporting this last push and enthusiastically agreed to the $100,000 donation," says Morton Eydenberg, chairman of the New York Rotary foundation. "The members of the Rotary Club of New York have also expressed their support for this donation and are proud to lead the way for other Rotary clubs around the world."
Rotary International News Basket Article about
our Donation of $100,000 to Polio Plus!
Click here to read the article!
Our Office Address:
Rotary Club of New York
322 Eighth Avenue
(at 26th Street)
Suite 1701
New York, NY 10001
Tel: 212-633-1311
Fax: 212-633-1954
Our meetings are at the Princeton Club,
15 West 43rd Street (5th and 6th Ave), Tuesdays, 12:15pm
World Trade Center
Disaster in
New York!
It happened in our home town on 9/11. Like any other Rotary Club would, we helped our city during its disaster. We did so with the support from compassionate Rotarians from around the World.
Click here to read all about it with many pictures
The New York Rotary
WTC-DISASTER Relief Fund has raised $1,499,154 for the victims of 9/11 thanks
generous Rotarian around the world! When there is a need, Rotarians take
2001 - 2002
Click here to see the accounting
How to donate to the special fund for
the Great Tragedy in New York City
Memorial in honor of
the victims of 911
District Governor, David, “Sully” Sullivan has issued a press release on August 22, 2003 about a decision by the leadership of Rotary District 7230 to erect a memorial in Webb Park in honor of the many victims and their families who perished in 911.
Click here for a copy of the press release
Rotary Club of New York Speaker
Paul Klebnikov was shot
dead in Moscow!
Paul Klebnikov, a U.S.-born editor of Forbes
Magazine in Russia, was shot dead in Moscow on July 9th, 2004 by
unknown assailants, two months after publishing a list of
Russia's hundred wealthiest people. Paul Klebnikov spoke at the
Rotary Club of New York on February 6th, 2001. He was
promoting his book “Godfather of the Kremlin”. It was a very
informative book where he described similar sniper killings in
Moscow that so sadly ended his own life. He will be sorely
missed. You can read in the Bulletin about Paul Klebnikov. You
can also read an article by United Press
about his assassination on our
website at:
Rotary Club of New York Bulletin
United Press
International: Slaying
in Moscow
Recognized members
for 2002-2003
Click here
Accomplishments of the
Rotary Club of New York
Thanks to Silvio Amori, 59 new members in 2002-2003 with a net gain of 35. We started out with 186 members and ended up with 221 members, an increase of 19%.
Many fellowship days thanks to Silvio Amori.
Tremendous success with the International Breakfast Meetings thanks to Sylvan Barnet and Giorgio Balestrieri
Rotary After-Hours has been a big sensation thanks to David Del Monte.
Many great speakers thanks to Larry Parks.
Donation of $100,000 to Polio Plus thanks to Silvio Amori, Morton Eydenberg and the New York Rotary Foundation
More visitors to the New York Rotary website from Rotarians around the world than ever before thanks to Matts Ingemanson.
Very successful District Conference thanks to Greg Lynch
The Rotary Club of New York contributed to create the most successful Group Study Exchange Program in district history thanks to Matts Ingemanson, Greg Lynch and Ivan Vosloo and the New York Rotary Foundation.
Selected winning
ambassadorial scholars to study abroad
Sponsored 18
Ambassadorial scholars from other countries
Led a Group Study
Exchange to Brazil
Sent 3,000 of
sweaters to the children of Mongolia
Donated an artificial leg to Mongolia
Saved children’s'
lives through our "Gift of Life" host program
Served hundreds of
homeless people, weekly, at a soup kitchen
Bought the 11
Fraternite" a new van for humanitarian deeds
humanitarian projects in Ethiopia and Thailand
"Ambassadors of Peace
Youth Orchestra" played at memorials
Had 8 families of
victims "adopted" by Rotarians in other states
Sent rescue
workers to New Zealand, England, and Nantucket
Honored "The Lucky
Six" on Firefighters' Recognition Day
Honored a police hero
on "Police Recognition Day"
Accumulated over $1.4
million in our 9/11 Disaster Relief Fund
Created a "Disaster
Relief Fund Advisory Committee"
Disbursed $1.13 million to the "neediest" affected by 9/11
Individual members
helped out at "the Pit" for months
Hosted rescue
workers, families of victims and fund contributors
Developed and
maintained an "up to the minute'" website
Featured in 6 page
"Rotarian" magazine article, "Ground Zero"
Featured in the
"Staten Island Advance" newspaper
Featured in a
Documentary made in New Zealand about 9/11
Helped the Rotary
Club of Delta, Canada deliver kids' quilts
outstanding weekly speakers and programs
Conducted monthly,
informative, International Breakfasts
Placed weekly meeting
notices in "Crains NY Business"
Conducted "Mankind is
our Business" poster contest
Sponsored the
"Electric Learning Center" in Harlem
Assisted Habitat for
Humanity‑developed residential project
Inducted 4 new "Paul
Harris Fellows"
Club President
attended all Foundation meetings
Received special
citation from Mongolia for humanitarian deeds
Honored by the New
York City Parks Commissioner
Attracted 59 new
Rotary Club of New York's
International Service Division helps develop
Proposal for an Integrated Approach to Rural
Development in Developing Countries for Poverty Eradication and Sustainable Development
Notes from
the historic June 18, 2003 meeting!
Notes from
the Breakfast
with the President of Madagascar 25 September, 2003
Second Committee of the 58th Session of the UN General Assembly on 27 Oct, 2003
Global Civil Society Champion
Sylvan Barnet - Rotary International
(click here for more information)
Our Rotary Club member
Lieutenant Commander, Steven Brock during President Bush's speech to
the United Nation's General Assembly.
RI President
2002-2003 Bhichai Rattakul's
Speech during Rotary's UN Day 2003
Rotary Global History pictures
Rotary's UN Day 2004
October 4th, 2004
From left Rotary International President Elect Glenn Estess, Aide to the President Elect Don Osburn, RI Alternate Representative to the United Nations Sylvan "Barney" Barnet and Florence Chenoweth, United Nations, Director FAO Liason.
Click here to see more photos from the United Nations Day
Past Presidents of the
Rotary Club of New York
Dan O. Henry
President of the
Rotary Club of New York
Passed away on January 19, 2003
at the age of 91.
Click here to read more about Dan O. Henry
Joseph A. Sullivan
President of the
Rotary Club of New York
former FBI Special Agent
and a legend of the Bureau
left us August 2 at noon
Click here to read more about Joe Sullivan
Joe Sullivan's 85th Birthday Party!
Arcadio Casillas
President of the
Rotary Club of New York
Click here to read more about
Helen Reisler
President of the
Rotary Club of New York
Click here to read more about Helen
Silvio Amori
President of the
Rotary Club of New York
Click here to read more about Silvio
Greg Lynch
President of the
Rotary Club of New York
Click here to read more about
Meet Our Members
Silvio Amori
Sylvan Barnet
Behrooz Behbudi
Arcadio Casillas
PDG Paul Caruso
Bill De Long
Matts Ingemanson
Sonny Lee
Greg Lynch
Helen Reisler
Joe Sullivan
History was made on July 10,
2001 when Helen Reisler was installed as the first
woman president of the 92-year-old Rotary
Club of New York.
Rotary Club of New York Electronic Learning
Center makes it possible for several
children in
Harlem to enter the electronic world.
Joe Sullivan's 85th Birthday Party!
Young Girls Educational