The Rotary Club of New York







Fellow Rotarians,


Our next meeting will be Turkey Day with Minister Counselor Altay Cengizer as the speaker. He is the Deputy Permanent Representative of Turkey to the United Nations. You can read more about Altay Cengizer in the latest Bulletin on our website at


Volker Detering has again done a great job with Reporter of the Week (in the Bulletin). Volker’s classification is Event Marketing and he is the Executive of EventMe.


Past President 2001-2002 Helen Reisler has written a thank you letter to all of us, who called and wrote to her in emotional support after her dear husband Mel passed away. You can read Helen’s letter in the Bulletin.


The Sisters at Fraternite Notre Dame are asking us for a gift to the under-privileged children for our Holliday Party on December 17th. You can read more about it in the Bulletin.


Foundation Chairman Mort Eydenberg has also for a tennis outing followed by an Italian buffet dinner. You can read all about it in the Bulletin.


The bulletin wishes happy birthday to Joachim Bartels on December 3, Mozart Ishizuka on December 8 and Bernhard Fabricius on December 12.


The Board of Directors have approved Romeo Cella as a new member. His classification is International Banking Italy. Welcome to our club Romeo! You can read more about him in the Bulletin.


There is also, in the Bulletin, the nominating slate for the Board of Directors and Officers 2003-2004.


The Bulletin has the donation form `Tis The Season To Remember The Kids. Many kids in poor neighborhoods won’t be expecting much this holiday. They’ll be lucky to have warm clothes, a meal and a roof over their heads. Here is an opportunity to help these kids. You can find this form on our website at


There are Rotarians, who were members of our club and then moved to other places in the world. Klaus Schreiter lived in New York for a number of years and then moved back to Munich, Germany. Klaus visited us recently and felt right at home again. I just received the following message from Klaus:


Dear Matts,

It was a great pleasure meeting you at the Rotary Club recently. When I come to New York next time I will touch base with Rotary to see old friends and to meet new friends. Thank you for putting me on your mailing list.


Klaus Schreiter


Thank you Klaus, I look forward to see you again. Thanks to the Internet, we can enjoy our Rotary Fellowship, no matter how far away we are.


Don’t forget to reserve your table for our next meeting. You can do so via e-mail to our office at, or call Andreas or Ana at 212-633-1311. You can also fax in the RSVP form, which you can download at . Our fax number is 212-633-1954. Princeton Club’s culinary staff will serve Turkish Day-Hunkar Begendi, which is eggplant topped with lamb or chicken.


I recommend that you visit our New York Rotary website every week at



Rotary is a worldwide fellowship!



Matts Ingemanson

Internet Communication Officer

The Rotary Club of New York


Vice Chairman

Rotary’s Global History





This newsletter has also been posted on our website at


I want to thank our Executive Director Andreas Runggatscher and his Executive Assistant Ana Rivas for working so hard every week creating and mailing the Weekly Bulletin. In addition to mailing it out to our members, they also send me the electronic Bulletin so I can upload it on our website. They are also working very hard with the administration of the World Trade Center - Disaster Relief Fund.


In order to read the PDF file of the Bulletin-on-the-Web, you need the latest version of the Acrobat Reader (Version 5.0). If you don't have Acrobat Reader 5.0, you can download it for free from the web at:



You can find the following interesting websites at:


1.      New York Rotary Club at

2.      Rotary’s Global History at

3.      Rotary Youth Leadership Awards at

4.      Rotary Radio every Tuesday 5-6 PM EST or 2-3 PM PST at


5.      Matts Ingemanson, Helen Reisler and Jim Thompson from the New York Rotary Club were interviewed on Rotary Radio Tuesday July 9, 2002.


You need Windows Media Player to listen to Rotary Radio. Windows Media Player is included with Windows Millennium and Windows XP. If you use Windows 95 or Windows 98, you can download Windows Media Player for free from Microsoft.


Click here to download Windows Media Player