The Rotary Club of New York                                                    





September 22, 2003





Fellow Rotarians,


The speaker at our next New York Rotary meeting on September 23rd will be the Honorable Frank Wisner, Former Ambassador to India, Philippines, Egypt and Zambia, Former Under Secretary of Defense and Former Under Secretary of State. You can read more about Frank Wisner’s impressive background in our latest Bulletin on the Internet at (click on the link).


Don’t forget to also come to our New Member Reception on Wednesdayevening, September 24th, 2003 at Immediate Past President Silvio’s restaurant Il Covo dell’Est on 210 Avenue A (@13th Street), New York. The Cash Bar opens at 6:30 pm and Dinner starts at 7:00 pm. It costs $25 per person and Silvio is treating us to the wine. Make sure to make reservations by September 23rd to our office by phone 212-633-1311 or via e-mail President Greg has asked me to make a short speech to our new members. Don’t worry; the speech will only be 3 minutes.


The Bulletin also invites us to the “Evening of Harmony” on October 17 at the National Arts Club, 15 Gramercy Park, New York. The event starts at 6.30PM. We already have 47 members signed up and we expect many more to come. Don’t miss out on this great event!


The Bulletin has Pictures of the Week showing when Shigemi Jim Morita is presented with his 9th Paul Harris Fellow recognition through multiple $1,000 donations. Camilo Uy was at the same time presented with his second Paul Harris Fellow recognition. There is also a picture of Blair Odo, Executive Director of JAIMS Foundation and Barbara Burns, Finance Chair of the New York Rotary Foundation during the check presentation of $20,703 from the Norman Weissman Fund. When you download the Bulletin from the Internet, you can see the pictures in full color.


Rotarians usually get impatient when meetings run overtime, but when Victor Niederhoffer and Laurel Kenner gave their presentation at our last meeting; nobody left the meeting when it lasted 15 minutes over schedule. They gave a fascinating description about the stock market and how to take advantage of hidden opportunities. It is also described in their latest book “Practical Speculations”, published by Wiley.  Niederhoffer and Kenner brought to the meeting a few copies of their book and they were immediately sold out.


Djibril Diallo, who is Director Communications at United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), said at our latest International Service Division Breakfast that TV and the newspapers mostly tell bad news about African countries. There are however success stories in Africa that are not told. Senegal for example, has been able to maintain a low 3% rate of HIV/AIDS. Mr. Diallo’s own country Ghana has become an economic success story. I asked Mr. Diallo to send me information about African success stories, which he agreed to do. Past District Governor Paul Caruso asked Mr. Diallo to demonstrate the special Ghana handshake where they snap their fingers. Djibril Diallo was very happy to demonstrate the handshake for Paul and myself. You can see a picture on our website of where Paul learned about the Ghana handshake from Rotary International Director Sam Okudzeto at Sam is also from Ghana.

While on the subject of Ghana, I told you last week about 82 year old Bill DeLong’s latest adventures in Ghana. I also mentioned that I was surprised that Bill, who is a New York Mets fan, left America during the height of the baseball season. In response, I received the following message from Immediate Past President Silvio Amori:


Tanks for the bulletin.


I have just one comment. You say that you are surprised that Bill left the country in the middle of the baseball season: he is a Mets fan, you say. Well, considering how the Mets have been performing, probably any excuse would be good for a Mets fan to leave the country in the middle (or even better, at the beginning) of the baseball season....


Silvio Amori

(Yankees fan)


Well, what can I say? I don’t think that the people in Ghana watch baseball, so Bill is probably shielded from all bad news about the New York Mets. As a former British colony, Ghana may be more interested in cricket.


Reiko Takei sent me the following message from Japan:


Dear Matts,


Thank you for sending Newsletter every week. I'm going to come back to NY on 19 Sep. I plan to attend your Club on 23 Sep. I look forward to seeing you again. See you soon!


Reiko Takei


Thank you Reiko, we look forward to see you again at our Rotary Club. Reiko has been going back and forth between Tokyo and New York many times in the past year. She must have many mileage points by now.


South African Consul Ivan Vosloo, who is a member of our legendary Rotary Club, sent me the following message about a free South Africa Concert:


Spread the word!!

Celebrate South Africa Concert
South African Tourism will be hosting a FREE concert featuring the Smooth Sounds of South Africa, with artisans' marketplace and South African food and wine.


When: Tuesday, September 23, 6-9pm

Where: South Street Seaport, Pier 16

Performing: Joe McBride, Nothembi, the South African All Stars, Juxtapower, Lucky Ngema



What will your story be?


Subway Directions: Take 2, 3, 4, 5, J, Z or M to Fulton Street; A and C to Broadway-Nassau. Walk east on Fulton Street o South Street.


Here is another invitation from Ivan:


The Art of Nelson Mandela, Father to a Nation... Inspiration to the World On exhibit in The Celebrate South Africa Lodge, Floor Three, Open Now! South African Arts & Crafts on display and for sale Mr. Mandela’s prints on loan from Antiquarius Imports, 484 Broome St. Manhattan.


Sign up to win a South African Safari

Courtesy of South African Airways and Micato Safaris


Wait, there is more from Ivan!


Treat your senses to the taste of South Africa

Friday, September 19-Tuesday, September 23

Cabana, Gator’s Southern Seafood, Harbour Lights, Heartland Brewery, Il Porto, J.P. Mustard, Red, Skipper’s, The Seaport Café, Sequoia, MacMenamin’s, Bergin’s Beer & Wine from 57 Main Street Wine Company, Sauces from i-Shebeen Madiba Restaurant


Tuesday, September 23rd, 2003

South African Marketplace Noon to 9:00pm


Here is useful contact information for those of you, who want to find out more about South Africa:


Jill Ackerman: Marketing & Communications Manager: USA

South African Tourism

500 Fifth Ave. #2040, New York, NY 10110

Direct Line: 917-934-2616

Tel.: 212-730-2929 x616  Fax: 212-764-1980

Email:   Visit us at


South African Consulate General
333 East 38th Street, 9th Floor
New York, NY 10016
Tel: (212) 213-4880
Fax: (212) 213-0102


Don't forget to reserve your table for our next meeting. You can reserve via e-mail to our office at, or call Andreas or Ana at 212-633-1311. You can also fax in the RSVP form, which you can download at Our fax number is 212-633-1954. At our next meeting, the culinary staff at the Princeton Club will serve us Salmon.


I recommend that you visit our New York Rotary website every week at or 


Rotary is about having fun

and do good things!




Matts Ingemanson


Internet Communications Division

The Rotary Club of New York



Group Study Exchange

Rotary District 7230


Ambassador of History

Rotary’s Global History Project



The power of the Internet puts the brains of millions of people together. It also puts 1.2 million Rotarians together. It does not matter where we are and when we are available. The Internet makes it possible for Rotarians around the world to instantly participate.


This newsletter has also been posted on our website at or


I want to thank our Executive Director Andreas Runggatscher and his Executive Assistant Ana Rivas for working so hard every week creating and mailing the Weekly Bulletin. In addition to mailing it out to our members, they also send me the electronic Bulletin so I can upload it on our website. They have also been working hard with the administration of the World Trade Center - Disaster Relief Fund.


In order to read the PDF file of the Bulletin-on-the-Web, you need Acrobat Reader Version 5.0 or later. If you don't have Acrobat Reader, you can download Acrobat Reader 6.0 for free from the web at:



You can find the following interesting websites at:


1.      New York Rotary Club at

2.      Rotary’s Global History Project at

3.      Rotary District 7230 at 

District 7230 Group Study Exchange Project at

4.      Rotary Youth Leadership Awards at

2.      Rotary Radio every Tuesday 5-6 PM EST or 2-3 PM PST at


Matts Ingemanson, Helen Reisler and Jim Thompson from the New York Rotary Club were interviewed on Rotary Radio Tuesday July 9, 2002.


You need Windows Media Player to listen to Rotary Radio. Windows Media Player is included with Windows Millennium and Windows XP. If you use Windows 95 or Windows 98, you can download Windows Media Player for free from Microsoft.


Click here to download Windows Media Player